
IgniteQR is here to change the ways of community engagement.

Empowering users and rewarding them for their effort of word-of-mouth marketing has been a missed opportunity in the overall crypto space. Providing structure and a simplistic way for being rewarded for each user’s efforts will ignite exponential community growth.

Value Added Service Utility

The premise behind IgniteQR is simple: any project, new or old, can sign up for their services. Once signed up, projects will create a pool of tokens to be distributed through the IgniteQR dApp. Individuals can then retrieve unique QR codes for that project from within the dApp and use that QR code for their own personal word-of mouth marketing.

Rewarding Word-of-Mouth

For every purchase made for that project using the individuals unique QR code, a reward is given to that individual either in native token or stable coin the choice is up to the project. As word-of-mouth marketing is such an integral part of crypto, it is only fitting for individuals to be rewarded for their efforts while projects reap in the rewards through the use of this simple and easy to use exchange platform.